Online Holistic Mindfulness
Mindfulness practices can help us to increase our ability to regulate emotions, decrease stress, anxiety and depression. It can also help us to focus our attention, as well as to observe our thoughts and feelings without judgment.
What does the evidence indicate?
From the summary sources, some consensus is emerging on the effectiveness of mindfulness for specific conditions:
Depression, stress, and anxiety.
Recent reviews agree that mindfulness has a moderate to “robust” effect on depression, stress, and anxiety, which is a strong finding in the world of medical research! One group of researchers liken the effect of mindfulness for depression to that of anti-depression medications. Without the side effects. And exhort physicians to talk with their patients about considering a meditation program to address psychological stress. Another group of researchers noted that of the 17 studies included in their review. “16 demonstrated positive changes in psychological or physiological outcomes related to anxiety and/or stress.”
There is moderate evidence that mindfulness has an impact on pain, particularly with the psychological experience of pain. A 2014 review in the Journal of the American Medical Association found moderate evidence of the effectiveness of mindfulness interventions for pain. But the relief varied across pain conditions. Another recent critical review of the literature in the journal Pain Medicine, found that most studies show a positive connection between mindfulness-based practices and pain intensity.
Overall health and wellbeing
A 2014 “evidence map” done by the Veterans Administration in the US also found effects on overall health and chronic illness. For those who went through an MBSR program (as compared to control groups that did nothing).
Likewise, a 2012 Campbell Collaboration systematic review concluded that MBSR not only has a moderate and consistent effect on a number of measures of mental health. For a wide range of target groups, it appears to improve measures of personal development such as empathy and coping, enhance quality of life, and improve some aspects of physical health, including chronic illness.
Research has suggested that practicing mindfulness may be associated with enhanced attentional control and working memory. And may improve cognitive performance, such as problem solving and decision making. In addition, the practice of mindfulness is associated with greater self-awareness and emotional control. Which can contribute greatly to teamwork and conflict resolution.
How long should I meditate to see results?
Eight weeks is the standard recommendation for how long you should commit to meditation in order to see results. Many studies have found improvements in meditators after this length of time.
However, you may find that you feel calm and centered even after a single meditation session.
After a few days, your focus and attention should begin to improve. And after as little as a couple of weeks, your brain will be measurably different.
Even though your brain is changing, you may not feel the results right away. Meditation is a lifelong journey, and it’s best to keep expectations in check, since it can take time to see results.
But the studies done on lifetime meditators are clear: adding meditation to your life can make you happier, less negative, and less stressed. Dozens of studies over decades have shown it changes your brain for the better.
How long does meditation last?
The effects of meditation often create an immediate sense of calm following your meditation session, which dissipates as you get further from the session.
Once you’ve built up months or years of meditation practice, there are physical changes that happen in your brain that don’t reverse immediately, even if you stop meditating. However, meditation is a practice. Meditation is just like exercise: when you stop regular practice, your skills atrophy and you start to get out of shape.
How long the session will per session?
The session of holistic mediation is about 45 minutes each time.
We will see together your preoccupation and state of mind you are in the day of the session and we will proceed.
Meditation for twice a week have shown to improve focus and cognitive performance on standardized tests, in a 2010 study.
How long does it take for meditation to change the brain?
Studies on new meditators have observed measurable changes in the brain over the course of two weeks of practice. After eight weeks of practice, gray matter in the hippocampus increases, indicative of improved memory, focus, compassion. And gray matter in the amygdala decreases, indicative of less stress and worry.
Among long-term meditators, the brain’s default mode network activity lessons, leading to a significant decrease in rumination (also known as “monkey mind”). The brain’s prefrontal cortex can also grow dramatically, indicative of an enhanced capability for happiness.
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