
Online CBT


Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a tool used to treat a number of mental and physical health issues, and due to its flexibility, CBT online offers many of the benefits found in the face-to-face model. CBT is widely available online, so people experiencing unwanted symptoms linked to anxiety, depression, and other conditions should view it as a viable option to treat their overall well-being.

How Is Online CBT Different From In-Person CBT?

Online CBT will be able to replicate some of the best features of in-person CBT closely. The core principles, techniques, focus on homework, and effectiveness of CBT will remain in place when the treatment is online.

CBT, when performed online, can provide positive additions such as:

  • Convenience:Early in the morning, late at night, or anytime during the day, online CBT is available to help address a person’s needs. Online options add a level of convenience that in-person therapy cannot match.
  • A more comfortable experience:Many people feel much more comfortable communicating through their phones than another person face-to-face. With this ease of communication, fewer barriers to enter treatment exist, especially for people in their teens and early twenties.
  • Increased accessibility:Someone in a rural community could be very far from a mental health provider, and even if one is close, they may not offer the CBT treatment desired. Others may struggle to leave the home due to a disability. Online options allow clients to choose between a number of providers, which inspires a sense of control over the process. It can also shorten the amount of time spent waiting for a therapist.
  • Possibility for lower cost:Websites, apps, and other online providers can offer special pricing for people who do not wish to use their insurance. Over the course of treatment, these therapies could provide a lower cost compared to in-person treatments.

Though in-person treatments will always vary from online options, the gap is becoming smaller. As internet speeds improve and new technologies emerge, more parity between face-to-face and online therapy will exist.

Is Online CBT Effective?

One study found that online CBT sessions for people with depression yielded results that equaled a group receiving face-to-face treatments. Three months after treatment, though, the online therapy group maintained their results while the in-person group experienced an increase in depressive symptoms. In this way, online CBT can offer an even greater benefit than traditional sessions.

Studies and reviews of online CBT have found:

  • Electronically-delivered CBT (eCBT) was as effective as traditional CBT and also cheaper and more accessible.
  • CBT delivered over the internet showed promise in helping people with depression or bipolar disorder increase behavioral activation.
  • Online therapy shows promise with anxiety and depression as well as PTSD.
  • Online CBT for kids was more helpful than controls but may not be as effective as in person treatments.
  • Online CBT is equally as helpful as in person CBT, but online options can help more people stay in treatment over time.
  • Research shows that online CBT may not be right for all groups and all conditions, but for a large number of people, the treatment can be effective and convenient.

In general, video-based CBT is a very effective tool.


What Can Online CBT Help With?

With CBT’s long history of being researched and tested, the treatment style has been proven effective for a long list of mental health and physical health disorders. Even better, CBT skills can help people lead happier, healthier lives, regardless of their health status.

Here are specific mental health concerns that CBT has been proven to help:

  • Anxiety disorders
  • Social anxiety
  • Panic disorder
  • Depression
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • ADHD
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Irritable bowel syndrome

CBT is flexible enough to address other issues like self-esteem, public speaking, focus, and other issues that may disrupt a person’s ability to perform and feel well.


What time lens the session is?

The CBT session is for one hour

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